Sunday, March 27, 2011

Part III: Soldier Show Material

Original Version #7
The Soldier Show Saga continued this week. My supervisor’s boss gave me a call on Monday and she asked me “Why did we not provide the version that the client preferred the most?”

2011 Program Cover
I said “I’m confused about that myself but that is the guidance I was given.”  She told me to revisit the #7 version (pictured) and resubmit. The other feedback we received from the client was that they wanted blue to be the prominent color since last years’ was red (shown on the right).
I made the revisions and resubmitted three more versions (pictured below).  We are still waiting for a response and the timeline is getting short. I still have the poster and the layout of the program to but together. The first show is April 22nd; I believe it’s in Washington, DC. We expect to have direction by next Wednesday.

I have dabbled a little on the idea of what to do for the inside pages of the Soldier Show Program. It is a half letter layout so the pages do not allow for too many elements before it becomes cluttered. I am planning on using the stage design as the inspiration and use elements from the cover designs.
Another project I have is the material for the “Association of the United States Army” Conference that is coming up April 18 – 21. It will be held in downtown San Antonio. Thankfully the visuals have already been created it is a matter of reformatting them for the materials needed; several large banners and a tradeshow booth which comes to about 21items total. Luckily, I’ll be sharing the task with two other designers. I’ve also been asked to give two talks for the conference’s design and marketing sessions. It should be interesting and it is an honor to be asked to represent our creative services team. But In order to accomplish this I need to have a presentation put together and could use the time to prepare. 

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