Sunday, April 10, 2011

Rushing = Mistakes

Many of my freelance projects that I worked on were building campaigns. I shared a logo that I did for the United Cerebral Palsy Building Campaign in my blog “The Customer is always Right.”
This time I'll share the Holy Spirit Catholic Church Building Campaign. In general, I was happy with the materials on this project. Yet there was one particular mishap that I could have prevented.  I learned my lesson. Last minute changes need to be reviewed carefully prior to hitting send.

Brochure Cover - 14" x 11"
On the informational brochure (cover pictured) we had originally created a letter sized booklet that folded in half. The day the brochure had to go to the printer they decided more information was necessary so the layout was resized. This is where things went wrong. I made the size larger but I didn’t pay attention to how I had the document setup. Bottom-line we ended up with a super size booklet the client had to pay a special fee to bind the book.  The lesson learned was to always print out the piece and review. If I had, I could have avoided this mistake. Another lesson was to put the brakes on and have the client understand that the production needed to be delayed in order to be able to provide a quality piece.

Campaign Logo
Overall what inspired the look of the pieces of this campaign was the spiritual subject matter along with the illustration provided. Because the logo is the first item that is created it is the most influential piece for the creative of the other materials. The discussions that take place are noted for direction on the other items being created. Using the dove in the logo guided me  towards using dove grey color and from there I made the combination with the other colors. The images used were supplied by the parish allowing for the piece to be more personalized.  (Logo and Stationary pictured)

Campaign Stationary
A couple of days ago I was rushing around again and I remembered this project. I made sure I printed the Soldier Show poster before I hit send. I was so glad I did there were several things that needed to be corrected.

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