Saturday, April 23, 2011

Design Tips

This week I finally was able to get the burden of the presentation off my shoulders.
My main focus was a redesign project that I explained in one of my blogs (Before and After). Additionally, I provided some design tips on my own process. These are things that I keep in mind.
The visual for the presentation was a combination of our brand and a little of my own flare. I believe subliminally I realized that I was inspired by my juggling act at work.
I decided to cover six tips which really is a little broad because I did cover more than one point for each but I wanted to try to simplify the title.
1 – Brand
- Logo size and space surrounding it needs to be adequate, never embellish on the logo

2- White Space
- Summarize content
- Text too close to the edges becomes a problem (2 reasons trimming and reader obstructs text)
- Provide adequate space around an image
- Border overload - images and the page don’t need to have a border
- Keep text/images at least 3/8 of an inch away from the edge of the layout

3- Design Focus
- Decisions should be based on the target audience
- Time to listen to the client and ask questions

4- Color
- It’s non-verbal communication and creates an emotion
- Best used as a background element
- Colored body copy is difficult to read and printing it is more prone to registration issues unless it’s a spot color.
- Make the most of your color limitations by using screens of a spot color for varying tones and colored paper.
- Always keep your Audience in mind: Another factor to consider are those that are color blind.

5 - Fonts
- A design/message could be achieved by clever use of type without an image.
- Our responsibility is that it’s legible for the reader and that we respect the typeface we chose to employ.
- Use one typeface family for a layout more than 3 typefaces can make a page feel cluttered
- Keep body copy between 11 pt and 9.5 pt in size
- Distinguish content by importance. (What message should be large and read first and so on.)

6 - Photography
Taking photos:
- Photos of staff – check for any wardrobe issues: buttons, zippers, transparent material
- Not to close to a wall
- Get a permission form signed.

Using images:
- Some photographers only allow a limited number of years for the image than charge an extra fee to extend it. There are also fees for the application that it will be used on – such as National Magazine ads or billboard.)
- Directional use – where are the shoulders facing or the eyes this would be the appropriate place for the heading or key message
- Photography is key to the success of the layout

Many of these I'm sure that are on the top of the list for many designers but I hope a few were reminders or something new.

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