My first blog took a while to get its title. I finally settled on “What Inspired Me?” I believe it will be interesting to take note of what sparks the design. Hopefully it will also make other designers become aware of what makes their design come together. It will show what is surrounding an individual that affects their vision and initiates the direction of the project.
I am presently working on a design for an 18-wheeler; it happens to be the third round of the first truckwrap created for the Army Family Covenant (AFC) Campaign which was done over a year ago. The first design that I created is the one I’ll share at this time. The new project is still in progress and still waiting for that spark to happen … I think I’m close but not there yet.
The marketing department was given the project of promoting the AFC message to make the soldiers aware of the Army’s commitment for improvements of their programs. The materials were to be used as tools to solidify the AFC Campaign message to the soldiers and their families. A few items we created were an informational brochure, ads, posters, outdoor banners, large static posters, pop-up banners and web banners pop-up display, tent and truckwrap. (Images included) Our marketing representatives traveled to the different garrisons to deliver the message.
We determined that the materials needed to have a sense of warmth, we decided to give personalize by using actual Army Families for the images along with their quotes about the programs they had experienced. We needed a way for our audience, the Soldiers, to identify with the campaign and take the time to learn more about the message.
Our team (marketing account manager, photographer and designers) decided that the best way to depict this friendly and inviting feel was by giving the material a family album “look.” The photography taken for the campaign was portrait shots of the Army Families that volunteered. The Army Camouflage and color green was included in the layouts to specifically identify the material as Army, along with the ARMY Strong logo.
The truckwrap was one of the last pieces to complete the campaign. On the truck layout the idea is to get a quick message to the moving viewer so less copy more visual on this and a couple of the other layouts we did have to fall back on the use of some stock images to have diversity.
Take a look at the link you will see the process of the truckwrap being put on the truck itself.